Accompaniment to Implement the Model

What is the Accompaniment to Implement the Model line of work?

This line of work designs and develops accompaniment for Euskadi VET centres and their educator teams to implement, improve, and enrich the ETHAZI model, Euskadi VET learning model.

What is the objective?

The main objective of accompaniment is to guide and assess Euskadi VET centres and educator teams on development of the ETHAZI model through a personal process that is adapted to the needs and characteristics of each one of the centres and/or teams.

Why is it important for Euskadi VET?

This line is important because:

  • It helps Euskadi VET centres to understand the learning model the same way and to orient their objectives in that direction.
  • It offers the possibility of adapting the implementation process for the ETHAZI model to the characteristics of each centre and educator team, offering suitable tools.
  • It provides in-depth knowledge of development of the model at each centre, so processes and strategies can be adapted if necessary.


Research and experience show us that if we want our strategy to be transformative and to have a real impact on the social and productive setting, it must be designed and executed as a global dissemination strategy in the entire Euskadi VET system. Extraordinary actions developed by just a few Vocational educational training (VET) agents is not enough.

Consequently, we created an environment of collaborative networks to streamline the evolution and adaptation of the learning model at each centre. These networks consist of the following structural elements:

  • iTlent team: where we research and develop collaborative learning strategies that encourage development of the skills that define the Euskadi VET learning model. We also design and execute transfer actions for Euskadi VET centres, considering their particular situation. This is the team of people who act as role models for the ETHAZI model at Euskadi VET.

  • aRituak: these people belong to Euskadi VET centres and have experience in starting up the model. They stand out with their capability for analysis, contrast, and vision in applying the different elements that define the model, as well as their ease in communication and relationship with educator teams. aRituaks accompany and guide Euskadi VET centres in implementing and developing the learning model. Alongside role models from iTlent, these are the closest hubs to training centres, thereby ensuring accessibility and willingness to contrast proposals.

  • Learning coordinators: these are people who belong to Euskadi VET centres who lead the change caused by implementing the Euskadi VET learning model at each centre. This is a key figure because, in addition to their work on strategically designing change, they boost action in their centre. They do this with the close relationship they have, on one hand, with the directive team, and on the other, with all the educator teams. They also act as a hub in the collaborative networks, along with individuals from iTlent and those who work as aRituaks.

  • Educator teams: they are the key part, without which the entire action strategy to roll out the learning model would be fruitless. This is because they design and guide learning processes in the classrooms that provide for talent development of students, the leading objective of the Euskadi VET system.

  • iTlent coordinates knowledge transfer processes, providing teachers with edu-action programmes (education through action), training, and accompaniment, so that they can develop each line of research-action with the trust that they have the resources and support they need for their activity to be effective and satisfactory.