Professional orientation

What is the Professional Orientation line of work?

This line of work develops applied research to professional orientation, viewed as a personal skill that guides talent development and provides it with meaning.

What is the objective?

The main objective is to generate and spread strategies and resources to boost the active role of students in talent development by acquiring skills to manage their professional career.

Why is this important for Vocational Educational Training?

This line is important because:

  • Providing people with tools so they know how to lead their own life project, integrating into society, provides them value as people, as professionals, and as citizens.
  • Self-orientation processes, such as self-knowledge, initiative, decision-making, and lifelong learning are key elements for talent development.


Firstly, we analyse different orientation and professional accompaniment service models, viewed from the perspective of multidisciplinary teams.

Then, we generate learning itineraries intended for students to develop skills for their own orientation. These itineraries are in harmony with our active-collaborative learning processes, since they consider the students' leading role and significant learning as the backbone.

We also propose accompaniment in itinerary implementation processes to educator teams, applying evolution-oriented evaluation strategies.

To move this initiative forward, we coordinate orderly participation by developing a collaborative culture of all interest groups that participate in learning processes at Euskadi VET and in information and professional orientation services. For this reason, we guide spreading or implementation actions through training processes for the players who are closest to students.

We are going to base evaluation of this new line of work on mainly qualitative aspects. For this reason, we will measure achievement indicators associated with maintaining or improving actions with evidence related to development of the skill of self-orientation.